Computer Practical Manual for Std XII First 5 Ex.
Practical Manual for Std XII
Date :
Enter the given text
“Heaven from all Creatures hides the book of fate. All but page prescribe the present state. A hero perishes or a sparrow fall”
Apply the following commands to the text given above:
Ø Cut, copy, and paste using mouse and keyboard short cut.
Ø Find “Heaven” and Replace with “God”
Ø Change the font style and color
Ø Align the first line by Left, Right, center and justify
Ø Align the second line by bulleted or numbered list
Ø Correct typographical mistakes using auto correct option.
AIM :-
v To perform text editing on the given text
Start à All Program à Staroffice 8 à Staroffice Writer.
Enter the given text.
To Cut & Paste using keyboard shortcuts :-
Ø Select the text
Ø Click Edit à Cut or ctrl + X
Ø Place the insertion point at the required location
Ø Click Edit à Paste or ctrl + V
To copy and paste using mouse and Keyboard Short cut:-
Ø Select the text
Ø Click Edit à Copy or ctrl + C
Ø Place the insertion point at the required location.
Ø Click Edit à Paste or ctrl + V
Find & Replace :-
Ø Click Edit à Find & Replace
Ø In the “Search for” box type the word “Heaven”
Ø In the “Replace with” box type the word “God”
Ø To search and replace all Occurrences click “Replace All” Button.
To Change the font style and colour:-
Ø Select the text
Ø Select Format à Character
Ø Select the required font and Colour in the character dialog box.
To Align the Paragraph:-
Ø Select the Paragraph
Ø Click Left or Right or Centre or Justify icons
Ø Or press Ctrl +L , Ctrl + E, Ctrl + J, Ctrl +R
To Create Bulleted or Numbered list:-
Ø Select the text
Ø Click Format à Bullets and Numbering
Ø Select the Required type from the dialogue box
Correct typographical mistakes using Auto correct option:-
Ø Select Tools à Auto correct
Ø Type the missspelt word in “replace” box
Ø Type the replacement word in “with” Box
EX.NO.2 Table Creation
Create a table and enter the names of five students and the mark in three subjects. Change the borders, line style and background color of the table. Add two more rows with marks and names.
To create and format the table.
Start →All program-> Staroffice 8→Star office Writer.
To create a table with 6 rows and 4columns:
1) Click Table à Insert à Table. Insert Table dialog box appears.
2) Specify the required numbers of rows and columns.
3) Enter the name and marks
To change the border style, line style and background:
1. Click the required cells.
2. Click borders icon from the table formatting tool bar and select the required border.
3. Click line style icon from the table formatting tool bar to select the required style.
4. Click border color icon for the table formatting tool bar to change the background color.
To add two more rows:
· Select Table àinsert à rows.
· In Insert row dialog box enter 2 in the amount spin box
· Click ok.
EX.NO.3 Page Formatting
Create a text with four lines. To the text increase (or) decrease the margin by ½ inch. Change the original setting using ruler option. Change the Page orientation. Insert topic name as header & Page number as footer.
To perform the page formatting
Start→ All Programs →Star office 8→Star office writer
To change the Margins
· Enter the text
· Click Format→ Page
· Select ‘Page’ Tab in Page style dialog box
· Change the left and right margin by ½ inch.
Original settings:
· Place the mouse Pointer between the grey and white area in the ruler.
· Mouse Pointer appears as double headed arrow shape. Now Click and drag the pointer to the new margin.
To change the orientation:
· Click the Landscape radio button in Page style dialog box.
To Insert Header and Footer:
· Format →Page and select Header tab.
· Click “Header on” Check box.
· Format→ Page and select Footer tab.
· Click “Footer on” Check box.
To Insert Topic name and Page number:
· Click inside the header and type the topic name
· Click inside the footer and Click Insert→ Fields → PageNumber.
· The Page number is inserted in the footer.
EX.NO.4 Creating worksheets –Using Fill Command
Create a worksheet to enter the names and marks of five students in three subjects. Find the class average for one student and copy using fill to the other.
To create a worksheet for five students and find the class average for three subjects.
Start→ All Programs→ StarOffice 8àStarOffice calc
§ Enter the details of five students.
§ To find the class average type the formula=average (B2:B6)in cell B7 and press enter.
§ Select the cells B7:D7andClick on Edità FillàRight.
EX NO – 5 Creating worksheets – using PIE CHARTS
Create a worksheet to enter the following details for five employees.
a) Employee name, Employee number, Basic Pay, DA, CCA, HRA.
b) Calculate Gross pay using formula.
c) Change the row height and column width.
d) To sort the record in alphabetical order of employee names.
e) Add two more employee details.
f) Delete one employee detail.
g) Create a Line (or) Pie chart to show the variation of Basic Pay of employees.
AIM: To create a worksheet for five employees and to create a chart..
PROCEDURE: Start à All programs à Star office 8 à Star office calc
v In cell A1 to G1 type Employee number, Employee name, Basic Pay, DA, CCA, HRA & Gross pay.
v Enter the employee details.
v File à Save to the Save file.
To Find Gross Pay:
1. In cell G2 type the formula =sum(C2:F2)
2. Select the range G2:G6 and copy the formula using EditàFillàDown.
To change the row height:
1. Select the required cells.
2. Click Format àRowàHeight.
3. Specify the new height in ‘row height’ dialog box.
To change the column width:
1. Select the required cells.
2. Click FormatàColumnàWidth.
3. Specify the new width in column width dialog box.
Sorting the Records:
1. Select the cells.
2. Click Data à Sort
3. Choose “ Ascending “ option in sort dialog box
Add two more employee details:
1. Move the cell printer to the end of the records and type two new records.
Deleting the records:
1. Select a row to be deleted.
2. Click on the menu EditàDelete cells.
Creating the Pie Chart:
1. Select the range B2:C7
2. Click on the menu Insert à Chart
3. AutoFormatChart dialog box appears on the screen click on Next button.
4. Select the Pie chart and click Create button.